about us

It all started in 1996, a period of great changes in Poland, in which we became a participant. Lawyers had to face new problems and new challenges. This was mainly due to the dynamically developing nature of the business. Economic life was becoming increasingly complex. We were fortunate to be able to deal with serious business projects, large investments and complex cases at the very beginning of our journey together. This is thanks to our clients who have put their trust in us. Among them were well-known Polish and foreign companies, but also smaller ones which we later assisted in their development. This allowed us to accumulate a lot of experience. Today we can use all these experiences, adding to them our personal skills.



Over more than a quarter of a century we have successfully completed many projects in various areas of law. However, we are most familiar with real estate, investment, construction and related issues, such as environmental protection law. However, while working for our Clients we also deal with their corporate, personal, employment and criminal cases.

We have different skills – some of us are better at negotiating, some are better at writing contracts, and some are more effective at fighting in court. There are also those who like to confront and answer difficult questions, and yet, we complement each other. What unites us is that we want to do everything as well as possible. We also know how to develop our competences in new areas.

We like challenges. The more complicated the case, the more satisfaction we get from solving it or conducting it successfully. That is why we undertake the conduct of large cases, requiring a significant commitment of time, work, effort and responsibility. This also applies to precedent-setting cases. And we cope with such challenges, because we penetrate the essence of the case, using our knowledge and experience.

Of course, we also like to win. Winning is the achievement of a set objective and therefore can have various facets. It is not only winning a lawsuit, it can also be successfully concluded negotiations, a concluded settlement or a finalized agreement.

We like our work,
to put it bluntly – we like
helping others.

The fact that we have successfully helped someone always gives us great satisfaction.

Very diverse

From large corporations to micro entrepreneurs and individuals coming in with their own personal problems. We know how to work with everyone.

Long term

Because there are some among them with whom we have been together since the beginning of our activity.

From Poland and abroad

Our clients come from 5 continents. We are an active member of the Cyrus Ross European Legal Network.

Of course, this is not about all the languages of the world, but about our professional choices. The consequence of these is an increasing understanding of our clients’ needs, and sometimes we have to use their specialist language or jargon. We believe that we are the ones who should listen to and understand our clients’ language, and not expect the opposite.

With imagination

It is imagination that allows us to better understand the problem, to find solutions more easily and quickly, and when necessary, to better prepare for "war". For example, we cannot imagine drawing up contracts without using our imagination.


The safety and interests of our clients have priority. Therefore, it is the clients who ultimately decide, and we provide the information needed to make a decision. And just in case, we have additional insurance, thanks to our imagination...


As a rule, in order to solve a problem you need not only legal knowledge, but also knowledge about the Client's business, the market on which it operates, the specificity of the services it provides or goods it sells.


Our clients know what we do and when we do it, and financial settlements are clear and transparent.


We know how important matters, information and documents entrusted to us can be for our clients. Our priority is not to betray the trust they have placed in us.

In depth

We try to go to the core of the problem we are supposed to solve.

With imagination

It is imagination that allows us to better understand the problem, to find solutions more easily and quickly, and when necessary, to better prepare for "war". For example, we cannot imagine drawing up contracts without using our imagination.


The safety and interests of our clients have priority. Therefore, it is the clients who ultimately decide, and we provide the information needed to make a decision. And just in case, we have additional insurance, thanks to our imagination...


As a rule, in order to solve a problem you need not only legal knowledge, but also knowledge about the Client's business, the market on which it operates, the specificity of the services it provides or goods it sells.


Our clients know what we do and when we do it, and financial settlements are clear and transparent.


We know how important matters, information and documents entrusted to us can be for our clients. Our priority is not to betray the trust they have placed in us.

In depth

We try to go to the core of the problem we are supposed to solve.