Confirmation of nationality

Confirmation of citizenship is still a topical issue. In another case of this type we have led to the confirmation of the citizenship of four persons with Polish roots, based on documents dating back to the 19th century. The Governor of Małopolska accepted the arguments and stated that our clients have Polish citizenship from birth.

Webinar with KPT

Together with Krakow Technology Park Ltd. we organized a webinar for entrepreneurs operating in the special economic zone and technology park and devoted to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on contractual obligations and force majeure issues.

Expansion of the factory

The epidemic doesn’t stop everyone from developing. This time, we represented a tenant – one of the world’s largest manufacturers of body seals – in concluding an agreement with a leading Polish developer, extending the scope of the existing lease with another warehouse and production space.

Waste and compensation

Success in another environmental case. A claim filed by individuals seeking high damages from a company operating a landfill site was finally dismissed. The basis for the decision was an examination of whether and to what extent such activity may have an impact on the environment. It was a rather complicated process and still quite […]

Emission of odours in court

One of a number of interesting environmental litigations concerning the impact on neighbouring properties ended in the first instance. This time we represented an automotive manufacturer in a dispute with a neighbour claiming protection of its personal interests in connection with alleged odour and noise emissions from a production plant. The issue of impact through […]

No access and what happens next

Even if the plot adjoins a public road, there is no guarantee that a consent to enter the road will be obtained, which many investors have already found out. This time the owner of a real estate, who first encountered a refusal from the office to allow an entry from his plot, found out about […]

Another warehouse lease

We have concluded further negotiations of a long-term lease agreement for warehouse space covering 18,000 m2 out of the total 80,000 m2 at Panattoni Park Poznañ IX.

Newsletter No. 1

We have published our first newsletter. In addition to news about new developments in the law, we will discuss issues in various areas of law and present our offers. Some texts will also be available on our website, but we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter.

Success before PUODO

We have successfully concluded our client’s case before the PUODO. The case concerned real estate agents, and the subject of the proceedings was a complaint about the processing of personal data without a legal basis. It is worth reminding here about the obligations imposed on real estate agents by the Act on the prevention of […]

We trained in labour law

Another dedicated training. This time, at the request of one of our clients with over 600 employees, we conducted a closed-door training on the principles of social labour inspection.